Sybex - OCA-OCP - Introduction to Oracle 9i SQL. Study Guide (2002), Informatyka, ● PHP, MySQL, ORACLE

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Introduction to

Study Guide
Chip Dawes
Biju Thomas
San Francisco • London
Associate Publishers: Richard Mills and Neil Edde
Acquisitions Editor: Christine McGeever
Developmental Editor: Elizabeth Hurley
Editors: Marilyn Smith and Carol Henry
Production Editor: Leslie E. H. Light
Technical Editors: Ashok Hanumanth and Damir Bersinic
Graphic Illustrator: Tony Jonick
Electronic Publishing Specialist: Jill Niles
Proofreaders: Emily Hsuan, David Nash, Laurie O’Connell, and Nancy Riddiough
Indexer: Ted Laux
CD Coordinator: Dan Mummert
CD Technician: Kevin Ly
Book Designer: Bill Gibson
Cover Designer: Archer Design
Cover Photographer: Photo Researchers
Copyright © 2002 SYBEX Inc., 1151 Marina Village Parkway, Alameda, CA 94501. World rights reserved. No part of this
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Library of Congress Card Number: 2001099188
ISBN: 0-7821-4062-9
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To Our Valued Readers:
In a article dated December 15, 2001, Oracle certification was ranked #2 in a list
of the “10 Hottest Certifications for 2002.” This shouldn’t come as a surprise, especially when you
consider the fact that the OCP program nearly tripled in size (from 30,000 to 80,000) in the last
year. Oracle continues to expand its dominance in the database market, and as companies begin
integrating Oracle9i systems into their IT infrastructure, you can be assured of high demand for
professionals with the Oracle Certified Associate and Oracle Certified Professional certifications.
Sybex is proud to have helped thousands of Oracle certification candidates prepare for the exams
over the years, and we are excited about the opportunity to continue to provide professionals like
you with the skills needed to succeed in the highly competitive IT industry.
Our authors and editors have worked hard to ensure that the Oracle9i Study Guide you hold in your
hands is comprehensive, in-depth, and pedagogically sound. We’re confident that this book will
meet and exceed the demanding standards of the certification marketplace and help you, the
Oracle9i certification candidate, succeed in your endeavors.
Good luck in pursuit of your Oracle9i certification!
Neil Edde
Associate Publisher—Certification
Sybex, Inc.
SYBEX Inc. 1151 Marina Village Parkway, Alameda, CA 94501
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