swvb, Instrukcje, National INSTRUMENTS, Pdf

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Ready-to-Run Virtual Instruments
Stand-alone virtual instruments that
combine DAQ products, software,
and PCs
Portable instruments when used with
PCMCIA DAQCards or parallel port
DAQ products and a notebook PC
Up to six instruments with one DAQ
Some instruments can run
Digital multimeter
Dynamic signal analyzer
Arbitrary waveform generator
Function generator
Data logger
Custom configurations are saved and
Instruments are configured when
turned on as they were when
last used
VirtualBench Suite also includes
Board calibrator
Digital I/O line/port controller
Analog output DC level controller
System Requirements
PC running Windows NT/95/98/3.1
with16 MB RAM and 30 MB
hard disk space
Ready-to-Run Virtual Instruments
Traditional instruments have three basic
components – acquisition and control, data
analysis, and data presentation. The trends
in desktop and notebook PCs have delivered
computers that surpass the display and
processing capabilities of most instruments. The technology of
today’s plug-in DAQ boards, PC cards (PCMCIA), and parallel port
I/O devices is comparable to much of the data acquisition and
control capabilities of traditional instruments.
You use VirtualBench just as you would use stand-alone
instruments, but you benefit from the processing, display, and
storage capabilities of PCs. VirtualBench instruments load and
save waveform data to disk in the same format that can be used
in popular spreadsheet programs and word processors. A report-
generation capability complements the raw data storage by
adding timestamps, measurements, user name, and comments.
You can print the waveforms and the settings of VirtualBench to
a printer connected to the PC. Because the user manual and
help are all online, you can easily refer to them at any time.
virtual instruments. Choose between plug-in DAQ devices; portable
solutions using PCMCIA DAQCards; low-cost solutions using parallel
port DAQPads; or high-channel count solutions using SCXI. Each
solution is available with either 12 or 16 bit resolution.
Each VirtualBench virtual instrument includes specifications
based on the preferred DAQ hardware for maximum
performance and flexibility. For detailed information
concerning each VirtualBench instrument, please visit
VirtualBench Scope offers real-time sampling rates up to
20 MHz (up to 1 GHz using equivalent-time sampling),
bandwidths up to 15 MHz, and vertical resolution up to 16 bits
(depending on the DAQ hardware product that is used with
VirtualBench Scope). VirtualBench Scope offers sixteen channels
with a range of sensitivity from 1 mV/div to 10 V/div, a timebase
range of 10 ns/div to 100 ms/div, and record lengths from 500
to 660,000 points.
VirtualBench Scope triggers off both digital and analog
signals with any DAQ board, even if the board does not have
analog triggering built into the hardware.
VirtualBench Scope goes beyond basic math functions to
offer 17 real-time waveform analysis capabilities, including VDC,
Vrms, Vpeak-to-peak, and others.
Designed for National Instruments
DAQ Hardware
With VirtualBench, you can convert any National Instruments
DAQ product into a true virtual instrument. VirtualBench delivers
easy-to-use instrument front panels; your National Instruments
DAQ hardware delivers the power and flexibility of your
instruments. You can select from the wide array of National
Instruments DAQ hardware to define the specifications for your
National Instruments
Phone: (512) 794-0100 • Fax: (512) 683-8411 • info@natinst.com • www.natinst.com
Ready-to-Run Virtual Instruments
Virtual Instrument
Recommended Hardware
VirtualBench Scope
Low-bandwidth, high-resolution
Auto setup
NI 5102, NI 5911, NI 5912
digitizing oscilloscope for low
DC to 15 MHz bandwidth
All E Series MIOs
frequency test and measurement
1 GHz sampling rate
16-bit vertical resolution
Math functions
4 trigger modes
VirtualBench DSA
Dynamic signal analyzer that uses digital
DC to 95 kHz bandwidth
NI 4551, NI 4552, NI 5102
sampling and fast fourier transform (FFT)
204.8 kS/s sampling rate
PCI-4451, PCI-4452
techniques to analyze low-frequency
90 dB dynamic range with alias
All E Series MIOs
signals in fields such as acoustics, noise,
vibration, and speech
Up to 2 channels analog input
1 precision analog output
VirtualBench ARB
Arbitrary waveform generator for
10 channels of simultaneous
NI 5411, NI 5412
generating and synthesizing stimulus
waveform generation signals
All E Series MIOs
Powerful waveform editor
All analog output boards, except
40 MS/s update rate
AO-2DC Series
VirtualBench DMM
Low-cost digital multimeter for data

digit multimeter
NI 4060, NI 4050
acquisition, test, and research
VDC, VAC, Current AC/OC
All E Series MIOs
, and temperature
Data logged to disk
VirtualBench FG
Low-frequency function generator for
Sine, square, triangle, ramp and user-
NI 5411, NI 5412
generating and synthesizing stimulus
defined waveforms
All E Series MIOs
0.1 Hz to 16 MHz sine wave frequency
All analog output boards, except
AO-2DC Series
Adjustable duty cycle
Up to 40 MS/s update rate
VirtualBench Logger
Multichannel data logger for recording
384 channel data logger
NI 4350, NI 4351, NI 4050, NI 4060
and displaying low frequency signals
Up to 16 channels displayed
All analog input products along with
such as temperature, pressures, and
SCXI for more than 16 channels
Up to 250 V input range
of input
100 Hz/channel rates for up to
16 channels (rates vary with
hardware configuration)
Selectable hardware and software
noise filters
*Varies based on the DAQ product used
National Instruments
Phone: (512) 794-0100 • Fax: (512) 683-8411 • info@natinst.com • www.natinst.com
Ready-to-Run Virtual Instruments
Interactive Waveform Editor
You use the Waveform Editor to design arbitrary waveforms for
generation. The Waveform Editor has a set of built-in basic waveform
components to help you design your waveform patterns.
They include defined waveforms such as DC, sine, triangle,
and exponential curves; expressions where a single variable
equation is evaluated over a user-specified interval; and sketches
where a user draws their waveform pattern using the mouse.
You combine one or more of these basic waveform
components by adding, subtracting, multiplying, or dividing to
form a unique waveform segment. You can append several
waveform segments together to complete your waveform.
Dynamic Signal Analyzer
VirtualBench DSA measures total harmonic distortion (THD),
harmonic content, frequency response, impulse response,
power spectrum, amplitude spectrum, coherence, and cross
power spectrum. These measurements are displayed in units of
Vpk, Vpk2, Vrms, Vrms2, Vpk/rtHz, Vpk2/Hz, Vrms/rtHz,
Vrms2/Hz, dB, dBm, dBVrms, dBVpk, dBVrms/rtHz, dBVpk/rtHz,
dBVrms2/Hz, dBVpk2/Hz, degrees, radians, and seconds
depending on the measurement and your application. Built-in
windowing functions include Hann, Flat top, Hamming,
Blackman-Harris, Blackman, and Exact Blackman to reduce the
effects of spectral leakage.
The VirtualBench DSA time display functions as a low-
frequency oscilloscope to view signals in the time and frequency
domains simultaneously. Cursors facilitate extraction of key
control system performance parameters, such as overshoot, rise
time, settling time, and delay time.
Standard Data File Formats
VirtualBench ARB can import and export waveform data to WAV
files, ASCII text, and binary files. The VirtualBench ARB can load
and output waveform files acquired from VirtualBench Scope or
VirtualBench DSA. You can also build your own waveform data.
Function Generator
The VirtualBench FG has defined waveforms for generating
sine, square, triangle, exponential growth, and exponential
decay signals. In addition, VirtualBench FG generates user-
defined waveforms up to 2,048 points, including waveform
stored to disk using VirtualBench Scope or VirtualBench DSA, or
a waveform defined by an array created in a spreadsheet or
word processor. Front panel controls adjust the frequency, offset,
amplitude, and duty cycle of the waveforms.
Digital Multimeter
VirtualBench DMM measures DC and AC voltage, DC and AC
current, resistance, and temperature. Input ranges are either
auto-ranged or user-selectable from 1 mV to 10 V. Temperature
measurements are made from thermocouples, thermistors, or IC
sensors. With the click of a button, data can be logged to disk.
Arbitrary Waveform Generator
VirtualBench ARB is a multichannel waveform editor and
generator instrument. It features two components – the
Waveform Generator and the Waveform Editor. The Waveform
Generator uses a “CD-Player” type user interface to control the
output of waveforms.
National Instruments
Phone: (512) 794-0100 • Fax: (512) 683-8411 • info@natinst.com • www.natinst.com
Ready-to-Run Virtual Instruments
Board Calibrator
Using VirtualBench Board Calibrator, you can perform automatic
board calibration of any E Series board, as well as the AT-MIO-16X,
AT-MIO-16F-5, and AT-MIO-64F-5 boards. VirtualBench Board
Calibrator will also record and display the last calibration date.
Digital I/O Line/Port Controller
Using VirtualBench DIO, you can control and monitor any of the
digital input and output ports, lines, and relays on your National
Instruments DAQ devices or SCXI modules. VirtualBench DIO
has the following features:
• Works with one DAQ device or SCXI module at a time
• Monitors and/or controls up to 32 lines
• Front panel with four 8-bit digital ports can be independently
assigned to any of the hardware digital I/O resources
• Each port/line independently configured as input/output
(if possible with the particular hardware in use)
• Input or output inversion configured on a per-line basis
• Initial output state configured on a per-line basis
• Save/Recall configuration setting
Data Logger
VirtualBench Logger acquires up to 384 channels of data while
displaying up to 16 channels. With menus, you configure the
parameters of each channel including channel name, conversion
factors (Mx+B), units, display range, and display scale.
Built-in conversion factors for B, E, J, K, N, R, S, and T type
thermocouples and RTDs simplify temperature measurement.
Thermocouple measurements use polynomial equations for
linearization and automatically perform cold-junction
compensation. Automatic-current scaling is available for current
measurements. Software-selectable 50 and 60 Hz noise rejection
helps acquire accurate signals in noisy environments and
complements the noise filters available on some of the DAQ
hardware products. Dual y-axes make it possible to monitor
signals of different types on the same display.
Analog Output DC Level Controller
Using VirtualBench AODC, you can control the DC analog
output level on your National Instruments DAQ devices or SCXI
modules. Virtual Bench AODC has the following features:
• Works with one DAQ device, or SCXI module at a time
• Front panel with 8 analog output controls that can be
independently assigned to any of the hardware analog
output resources
• Analog outputs configured as voltage or current outputs
(if possible with the particular hardware in use)
• Initial output levels configured on a per channel basis
• Save/Recall configuration settings
VirtualBench Utilities
When you purchase VirtualBench Suite, you receive six ready-to-
run virtual instruments and three additional utilities – Board
Calibrator, Digital I/O Line/Port Controller, and Analog Output
DC Level Controller. Each of the virtual instruments and utilities is
designed to convert your National Instruments DAQ hardware
into a full-functioning instrument workbench.
Ordering Information
VirtualBench Suite
Includes all six instruments plus utilities,
for Windows NT/98/95/3.1
Suite Utilities
Automatically calibrate E series and selected MIO boards
Record and display last calibration date for each board in
your system
VirtualBench Instruments
VirtualBench ARB.........................................777346-01
VirtualBench DMM ......................................777194-01
VirtualBench DSA ........................................777196-01
VirtualBench FG ..........................................777195-01
VirtualBench Logger....................................777197-01
VirtualBench Scope .....................................777193-01
Monitor and/or control up to 32 digital I/O lines
Configure each digital port for input/output direction,
inversion, and initial state
Control DC level of up to 8 analog output channels
Configure initial output levels on a per channel basis
National Instruments
Phone: (512) 794-0100 • Fax: (512) 683-8411 • info@natinst.com • www.natinst.com
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