swmstudio, Instrukcje, National INSTRUMENTS, Pdf

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Measurement Studio
LabWindows/CVI, ComponentWorks, and ComponentWorks++
Measurement Studio
(see page 109)
Integrated C development environment
Built-in measurement libraries
Open environment for engineers
and scientists
(see page 121)
ActiveX controls for Microsoft Visual Basic
Easy-to-use property page interface
to controls
Programmatic control through
properties, methods, and events
(see page 117)
Integrated measurement tools for
Visual C++
Measurement application wizard for
rapid development
Integrated measurement libraries
Operating Systems
Windows 2000/NT/9x
• Acquisition
• Analysis
• Presentation
Measurement Studio bundles LabWindows/CVI for
C programmers, ComponentWorks for Microsoft Visual Basic
programmers, and ComponentWorks++ for Microsoft
Visual C++ programmers. Measurement Studio is designed
for engineers and scientists building measurement and
automation applications. It delivers the measurement expertise
of National Instruments with the programming environment of
your choice. Because more and more people are using several
languages for building measurement and automation
applications, Measurement Studio delivers tools for three of the
most popular development environments, LabWindows/CVI,
Visual Basic, and Visual C++, in a single package. Regardless of
which programming environment you prefer, Measurement
Studio delivers the measurement tools you need to quickly build
your application.
ComponentWorks++ for Visual C++
ComponentWorks++ delivers an interactive design approach
for developing measurement systems in Visual C++.
A Measurement Studio App Wizard helps you design your
system by asking a few questions and then automates the design
of your application by including all the measurement tools you
need to complete your project. Because ComponentWorks++
interfaces to measurement hardware, analysis, and user
interface components through C++ classes, ComponentWorks++
is easy to learn for anyone familiar with Visual C++.
ComponentWorks for Visual Basic
ComponentWorks for Visual Basic is a collection of ActiveX
controls designed for scientists and engineers building virtual
instrumentation systems. With ComponentWorks, you combine
the power and flexibility of standard development tools, such as
Microsoft Visual Basic, with the instrumentation expertise of
National Instruments. ComponentWorks adds the necessary
measurement tools to ActiveX control container environments,
which provides a complete development solution for
your computer-based measurement and automation
applications. Based on ActiveX technology, ComponentWorks is
easy to configure through simple property pages, easy to
control through high-level methods, and easy to integrate
with your application.
LabWindows/CVI for C
LabWindows/CVI is an interactive ANSI C programming
environment designed for building virual instrument
applications. It delivers a drag-and-drop editor for building user
interfaces, a complete ANSI C environment for building your test
program logic, and a collection of automated code generation
tools and utilities for building automated test systems,
monitoring applications, or laboratory experiments.
LabWindows/CVI delivers the ease of use of Visual Basic with the
power of ANSI C.
National Instruments
Tel: (512) 794-0100 • Fax: (512) 683-9300 • info@ni.com • www.ni.com
Measurement Studio
LabWindows/CVI, ComponentWorks, and ComponentWorks++
Measurement Components
Measurement Component
Visual Basic
Visual C++
Embedded Measurement
Measurement Hardware
Measurement Components for
Text-Based Languages
Measurement Studio helps you harness the power of your
computer to take accurate measurements and create reliable
automation systems. Whether you are using LabWindows/CVI,
Visual Basic, or Visual C++, Measurement Studio delivers the
fundamental measurement components you need to build your
application. Measurement Studio has built-in libraries for
interfacing your computer to the outside world, comprehensive
analysis libraries that rival those of dedicated analysis packages,
and interface controls that simplify the presentation of
measurement data. Measurement Studio offers measurement
components that employ today

s powerful technologies to
deliver high performance solutions at a lower cost.
Data Analysis
Whether you want to average temperature measurements,
analyze waveforms, or monitor vibration, Measurement Studio
delivers the analysis components you need to convert your
data into useful information. Because you can perform analysis
in your application, you no longer have to post process
your data in another environment.
Measurement Display
Measurement Studio reduces development time by delivering
measurement-specific user interface tools for creating graphical
user interfaces quickly and easily. Included in the user interface
tools are real-time graph controls. With the real-time graph, you
can build virtual scopes, spectrum analyzers, temperature
loggers, and more with little or no programming.
Measurement Hardware Interface
Whether you want to include data acquisition, PXI, GPIB, VXI,
vision, FieldPoint, or National Instruments computer-based
instruments, Measurement Studio delivers high-level hardware
interfaces that help you build high-speed, device-independent
measurement applications.
National Instruments
Tel: (512) 794-0100 • Fax: (512) 683-9300 • info@ni.com • www.ni.com
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